22 November 2009

Forward Gmail to Other Mail Service Automatically

Do u need to forward the GMAIL mails to any other mail services or your office mail IDs.

Here is the way, The following steps instruct to change the settings:

1) Login your GMAIL account.

2) Select Settings Option.

3) In the Setting tabs Click Forwarding and POP/IMAP.

4) Enable the Forward a copy of incoming mail option.

5) Enter the email id which you like to forward your gmail, in the Forward a   copy of incoming mail to ________ box.
    Example: In the picture i entered my other service mail-id.
6) In the drop down menu you get three options:
 a) keep Gmail's copy in the Inbox: It store the mails in Gmail inbox and forward the desired email also.

 b) archive Gmail's copy: It mark the mails read and remove from the inbox and also forward the desired email. But keep them in the archive for later search and retrieval.

 c) delete Gmail's copy: It moves the mail to trash and forward the desired email also.

7) Finally click Save Changes.   
